Whitecross - Frank Lyrics

Frank Lyrics

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure,
to give to you, the new Whitecross, Unveiled.
Take it away, fellas.

Frank Video

Frank Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Whitecross, the legendary Christian rock band, released the song "Frank" in their 1994 album "Unveiled". The song has a powerful message that is relevant to Christians even today.

Meaning of the Song "Frank"

The song "Frank" is about a man who is struggling with his faith in God. He is going through a difficult time in his life, and he feels like God has abandoned him. The lyrics of the song express his frustration and confusion as he tries to make sense of his situation.

The chorus of the song goes, "Frank, what's the matter? Frank, are you alright? Frank, don't you know that Jesus loves you tonight?" The chorus is a reminder that no matter what we are going through, Jesus loves us and is always with us.

The verses of the song describe Frank's struggle with his faith. He is questioning everything he has ever believed in and is wondering if God is even real. The song is a powerful reminder that we all go through seasons of doubt and uncertainty, but we must remember that God is always faithful.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song "Frank"

The inspiration and story behind the song "Frank" are not widely known. However, it is evident that the song was born out of a deep understanding of the struggles that Christians face. Many people go through seasons of doubt and uncertainty, and it can be challenging to hold onto our faith during those times.

The song "Frank" is a reminder that even when we feel like God is distant or silent, He is still with us. The lyrics of the song encourage us to keep our faith and trust in God, even when we don't understand what is happening in our lives.

Bible References in the Song "Frank"

The song "Frank" does not contain any direct Bible references. However, the message of the song is consistent with many verses in the Bible. One of the most relevant Bible verses to the song is Psalm 23:4, which says, "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

The song "Frank" is a reminder that no matter what we are going through, God is always with us. We may feel like we are walking through a dark valley, but we can trust that God is guiding us and will lead us through it.

Practical Application of the Song "Frank" to Christian Living

The song "Frank" has a practical application to Christian living. It reminds us that we will all go through seasons of doubt and uncertainty, but we must hold onto our faith and trust in God. When we feel like God is distant or silent, we must remember that He is still with us and will never leave us.

The song also reminds us that we should be there for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling with their faith. We should be like the friends of Frank in the song, who are there to support and encourage him during his difficult time.

As Christians, we must remember that we are all part of the same body of Christ. When one member of the body is struggling, we should all come together to lift them up and support them.


In conclusion, the song "Frank" by Whitecross is a powerful reminder that we will all go through seasons of doubt and uncertainty, but we must hold onto our faith and trust in God. The song is a reminder that God is always with us, even when we don't understand what is happening in our lives.

The practical application of the song is that we should be there for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling with their faith. As Christians, we are all part of the same body of Christ, and we should come together to support and encourage one another during difficult times.

Finally, the message of the song "Frank" is consistent with many verses in the Bible, including Psalm 23:4, which reminds us that even when we are walking through a dark valley, God is always with us. We can trust in Him, and He will lead us through every season of life.

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